Seeing Stars® is a symbol imagery (SI) program developed by Lindamood-Bell®. Its goal is to help the mind develop the ability to correctly visualize or image letters in words and connect the image to sounds. Symbol imagery is an
essential skill for successful reading and spelling. The SS program helps those who have difficulty in visualizing, remembering the letters in words, the number of letters, and the sequence of sounds and letters within words.
We have seen some students who have become strong in phonics but have challenges in quickly identifying some sounds in words and have trouble in their ability to correct reading errors while reading. These students may spell well phonetically, by sound, but have trouble remembering how to spell words that do not follow a phonemic pattern, like words that have exceptions.
Which students may benefit?
Students who may benefit from this program include those who are weak in:
- ✔ Spelling challenges outside of phonetic spelling
- ✔ Comprehension
- ✔ Poor contextual reading
- ✔ Trouble reading sight-words
- ✔ Dyslexic tendencies
- ✔ Visual memory
- ✔ Short term memory issues
- ✔ Trouble remembering dates, names, numbers lists
- ✔ Word recognition
Seeing Stars® allows the brain to integrate and relate imagery and language to successfully overcome weaknesses in phonemic awareness, sight word reading, and spelling. Students learn to self-correct reading and spelling errors and become successful learners.