We know you might have a lot of questions about our services. If you have specific questions not answered in our FAQ, please feel free to contact us. It would be our pleasure to discuss your needs either by phone or in person. We welcome parents to visit our facility. Please feel free to give us a call at (253) 857-8188.
» What does an evaluation involve?
» My child has already been tested so many times, do I really need your testing?
» How do I get started?
» What if my child is not able to complete an assessment in one three hour block of time?
» What is the cost of an assessment?
» How do we get the results of an assessment?
» What form of payment do you accept?
» Will my health insurance cover your services?
» What is the cancellation policy for assessments?
» How is this different from tutoring?
» How long has Hands On Learning Solutions been helping learners succeed?
» Which age groups do you work with?
» What are your hours of operation?
» What is your confidentiality policy?
» What are your Educational Specialists qualifications?
» Do you work one-on-one?
» Do you work with groups?
» How long does it take before I see results?
» Do you guarantee results?
» What do your learning sessions look like?
» Can I visit the center?
» How much do your programs cost?
» Do you work with dyslexia?
» Do I need a diagnosis of dyslexia to receive dyslexia remediation from Hands On Learning Solutions?
» Do you work with Autistic children?
» Do you work with children with Asperger’s Syndrome?
» Have more questions? We have more answers!
What does an evaluation involve?
We offer a few different types of evaluations, depending on the individual needs of the client. All evaluations begin with the completion of an intake questionnaire. We work to understand the unique challenges and concerns and create a detailed developmental and educational history. On the day of the assessment the client is tested within 4 ½ hours. During this time, depending on the age of the client, games and movement activities are incorporated along with academic and processing skills tests. We use a variety of assessments, including diagnostic, screening, and structured observation, to identify and measure various aspects of a student’s learning abilities.
Children often say they had a fun time and want to know when they can return to do it again.
My child has already been tested so many times, do I really need your testing?
Many of our clients have come to us with a list of the professionals they have already seen and assessments they have already done. We understand that sometimes it feels redundant to have your child tested again. We never want to over-test a student, but we do need to spend time with your child in order to see what the challenges actually look like.
Our assessment process is customized to fit the needs of the individual client according to the intake information and initial screeners we administer. Our standardized tests are designed to see how the brain receives, processes, stores, and retrieves information. Areas evaluated include the neurology of learning, processing skills, communication skills, executive functioning (life management), and academics.
Through our Functional Academic and Learning Skills Evaluation, we are able to create a unique learning profile, which identifies both the strengths and weaknesses of each client. We do not want to waste your time or money guessing about what your child needs. We want to know exactly what your child’s challenges look like so we can make the best recommendations for them.
For this reason, an assessment is required for admission to any Hands On Learning Solutions program. We are happy to review any records/reports that you have as a part of the assessment process. This may allow us to do less testing with your child, however, the assessment will still take about the same time in order for us to review the material received.
How do I get started?
It’s as easy as picking up the phone! If you’re ready to have your child assessed, call us for a confidential intake packet or click on the ‘Get Started’ button at the top of this page. Once your intake packet is complete, mail it back to us with your $100 non-refundable deposit. Once we receive your completed intake packet and deposit, we will call you to schedule an assessment.
After the assessment has been completed, we will schedule a follow up meeting for a 2 hour consultation to review results, discuss recommendations, and provide you with a roadmap to address your child’s specific learning challenges.
What if my child is not able to complete an assessment in one three hour block of time?
We realize that each person is an individual with unique needs. We will initially schedule a three hour time slot for your child’s assessment. The examiner will keep a close eye on your child’s stress levels and energy during this time. If your child is unable to complete the testing in one sitting, the examiner will release your child early and we will schedule a second day of testing.
What is the cost of an assessment?
The cost for an initial assessment is $685 for a weekday appointment or $785 for a Saturday appointment. A non-refundable deposit of $100 is due in advance in order to hold your child’s assessment appointment. The balance remaining will be collected on the day of the assessment. The assessment cost covers the time spent testing your child, scoring and interpreting the results, report writing, and a two-hour consultation time to review the results and discuss recommendations.
How do we get the results of an assessment?
After the initial assessment is completed we will schedule an appointment to explore important issues related to your child’s learning and future. For this reason we require both parents to attend the consultation. Since we will be discussing technical and sensitive information about the current skill levels of your child we ask that you do not bring the child along. If the child is in high school or older and would like to attend they may.
What form of payment do you accept?
We require that payment for assessments be made at the time of service. We accept cash, checks, and Visa/MasterCard/Discover.
Will my health insurance cover your services?
Many educational challenges and learning disabilities are not considered medical issues, so testing and intervention are not covered by medical insurance.
What is the cancellation policy for assessments?
We have reserved time specifically for your assessment. If you need to cancel or reschedule your assessment, please call us immediately. Assessments that are cancelled with less than 48 hours will not receive a refund of the deposit. If you decide to schedule a second assessment date and have canceled the initial assessment with less than 48 hours’ notice, you will be asked to pay an additional $100 deposit to hold the new assessment date.
How is this different from tutoring?
Tutoring is an excellent choice for someone who needs to do a little catch up in a school subject. It is most effective for students who have missed classes due to vacation or illness, or need extra practice to help build self-confidence. Tutoring involves re-teaching academic concepts.
What we do is address the root cause of learning challenges by remediating the underlying weaknesses. We do not teach academic concepts – we teach the student ‘how’ to learn. Then we can teach the student how to apply their new skills to learning.
How long has Hands On Learning Solutions been helping learners succeed?
Laura Parker, owner and educational director of Hands On Learning Solutions, opened her doors to the community in 2007. Prior to this she provided many of the same programs to students she served in private practice and with her own son.
Hands On Learning Solutions is a dynamic learning center that is constantly developing and researching new programs to meet the learning challenges of our clients.
Which age groups do you work with?
We work with clients of all ages – from 4 to 90!
What are your hours of operation?
Hands On Learning Solutions is open Monday-Friday from 9 AM to 5 PM, some Saturdays, and by appointment.
What is your confidentiality policy?
Hands On Learning Solutions is committed to providing the highest level of confidentiality for our clients records. All records and test results are highly confidential. No records or results will be shared with any other agency, or individual, unless required by law or unless the client or parent/guardian, directs us, in writing, to do so.
What are your Educational Specialists qualifications?
Our team of Educational Specialists are the key to our success with each client. Each individual is carefully selected and extensively trained to be effective in their work. They are chosen based on their education, personal background, and gifts/talents. Each has a passion for what they do and extensive experience working with children. Creative, engaging, and nurturing, our Educational Specialists come alongside the student and family to guide and deliver programs that will bring about the changes needed for students to become successful learners.
All our staff has been thoroughly trained in each of the programs that they provide by our educational director Laura Parker. We require a minimum of 60 hours of initial training and observation before Educational Specialists begin working with a client on their own. We perform regular, ongoing education for new programs and disabilities. We also send our Educational Specialists to professional training or bring specialists in to train and educate. Educational Specialists are well supervised and guided with each student. We meet weekly to discuss programs, student progress, and staff development.
Do you work one-on-one?
Yes. This allows us to provide the intensity, individualization, and specific feedback needed to make significant changes in the shortest amount of time. Each student will have a specific schedule and an Educational Specialist (or team of specialists) to work with on a regular basis.
Do you work with groups?
No. We have found the best way to make the needed changes and provide a personal, positive, and enjoyable experience for students is to work individually. Because the programs are specifically tailored to each client’s needs, delivering them in a group setting would slow down each individual’s progress and be less effective.
Such personal training is essential to the strategies we employ. In order to make real, lasting changes in the brain, students must be challenged. Working one-on-one allows us to stretch students’ thinking in a very supportive, encouraging, and confidence-building environment.
How long does it take before I see results?
We usually begin seeing changes within the first few weeks. Changes always occur in the clinic first, and then transfer to home and the classroom. The first area we always target is self-esteem, motivation, and anxiety. It is difficult for a student to learn if they perceive they are not smart. In the first few weeks we are able to complete tasks with a student that allow them to realize that they are capable and able to succeed. This becomes the turning point at which the student becomes willing to work with us as a team and put in the effort in more difficult tasks. As skills are gained, the student’s motivation and abilities build upon each other.
So what’s a realistic time frame? The length of any program depends on the number and severity of the student’s learning challenges and the intensity and frequency of the sessions. This is something we can discuss realistically once an assessment and program have been designed.
Do you guarantee results?
As every person has different strengths and challenges, each person will progress at a different rate. There is no legitimate way to guarantee specific results. What we do guarantee is that we will do everything we can to help your student reach their full potential. If we feel we cannot help your child, we will do our best to help you find a program or professional who can.
We want you to feel comfortable with the services we are providing. For this reason we do not require long-term contracts, nor do we have cancellation fees or penalties. Our goal is to be open and honest about what our program can do.
What do your learning sessions look like?
All our clients are serviced one-to-one in a directed teaching basis. Our programs are multisensory, customized, and incorporate movement, in order to provide the individual with the stimulation needed to be an alert and efficient learner. Some programs use specialized materials or equipment. Sessions are held in individual offices. We also have a movement or ‘fun room’ for sensory motor development and attention training. A few of our programs use a computer. All activities are supervised and directed by the Education Specialist.
Each session begins with movement for motivation as well as integration of the body and mind. By starting our day with movement, the students are put at ease and begin by having fun. This builds in a lot of motivation for our students to want to come and work hard. Integrating movement allows the individual to be alert and present.
The bulk of the session is spent in the Learning Specialist’s private office. We believe in order to provide the best delivery of our programs, the client and Educational Specialist need to work in an environment where distractions are limited. Depending on the client’s needs, our Educational Specialists have a variety of motivational systems they can choose from to inspire great effort.
At the end of the session, if the client has put forth good effort and completed the tasks they were given, they get to choose and play an end of session game. This part is also important to the motivation of many of our clients. We also have reward charts, which upon completion, a student can earn individual prizes.
Can I visit the center?
We would be happy to set up a free 30 minute consultation during which you can have a chance to walk through our learning center, learn about what we do, and ask questions. If you feel it would be beneficial to your child, you may bring them along to meet us. Please leave siblings at home or with someone who can watch them, as we are unable to provide supervision.
How much do your programs cost?
The cost is based upon the programs recommended and the amount of time needed. After an assessment, we will be able to give our recommendations based upon your child’s needs, and discuss the fees involved.
Just as a mechanic can’t give a full estimate on the repair of a car based upon a description of the problem, we won’t be able to provide a cost until we have met with and assessed your child’s needs.
We are happy to speak with you if you would like to discuss your child on the telephone or come in for a free 30 minute consultation. Give us a call at (253) 857-8188.
Do you work with dyslexia?
Yes! Hands on Learning Solutions can screen for and address the skill areas affected by dyslexia, including decoding, sight words, comprehension, light sensitivity, rapid naming, processing speed, working memory, visual skills, and auditory processing. In addition, we have programs to remediate dysgraphia and dyscalculia. We have many different strategies and programs that specifically address the unique and varied needs of dyslexic students of all ages. Our Educational Director is a Certified Dyslexia Remediation Specialist and a Certified Barton Reading and Spelling tutor. Our Educational Specialists are all trained to teach and tutor in our Orton-Gillingham influenced programs and LiPS® (Lindamood-Bell Phoneme Sequencing Program®).
Do I need a diagnosis of dyslexia to receive dyslexia remediation from Hands On Learning Solutions?
No, you do not need a dyslexia diagnosis to receive dyslexia remediation from HOLS. However we do need to screen your child before being able to offer a program that is specifically geared toward their individual needs.
Do you work with Autistic children?
Yes, we work with many children on the autism spectrum who are high functioning. In fact, that’s how we got started. As with all of our clients, we determine our ability to provide services on an individual basis.
After a meeting with you and your child we will be able to tell if our program is right for your family. If not, we will provide references to professionals we trust to help your child progress. Call us to schedule a free 30 minute consultation. (253) 857-8188
Do you work with children with Asperger’s Syndrome?
Yes. Once the student is assessed, we will determine what therapy or therapies the student will benefit from.
Have more questions? We have more answers!
Feel free to call us directly at (253) 857-8188 or contact us here. We’ll get you the answers you need so you can start on the road to a success.